
Importance of Sustainable Development: Practices to Follow for a Sustainable Future

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Development is necessary for any country to progress further. But we should be mindful about the impact this development progress and ways of developing has on our environment. For example, we all know how the Industrial Revolution became the key to development for many countries.

However, let’s look at the Industrial Revolution’s negative environmental impacts. The gases evolved from the factories pollute water resources and air. More importantly, these factories use natural resources, which may cause depletion! If this continues, our future generation may not get the resources we use now! That’s why it is important to follow sustainable development.

What is Sustainable Development?

The concept of sustainable development can be defined in a number of ways. However, the core of the subject is only one thing. That is, to obtain development that meets the needs of present people without compromising the quality of the environment for future generations. 

By definition, we can say that “sustainable development of a country is a development that meets the present needs of people without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”

Anyone of us can practice sustainable ways to improve sustainable development. They can be social, economic, and environmental practices. For example, you can use sustainable kitchen products, sustainable ideas for schools, instead of using harmful ones.

Do you know? Nowadays, we can get everything from swimwear to jewelry; you can get everything sustainably. It is high time we need to do everything we can to maintain sustainability. 

Importance of Sustainable Development

As discussed earlier, working towards development while keeping in mind how important it is to protect the environment in which we live is known as sustainable development. For example, imagine that you are not following any sustainable eco-friendly method.

To meet your needs, the production of different things will be increasing, and eventually, the environment around us will get polluted too! This will gradually increase climate change and global warming, which will make things worse! This screams the need of sustainable development.

We all know how many countries across the globe are facing breathing issues of not getting pure air! This is all because of not minding about importance of sustainable development. If we don’t follow this method, we will end up giving harmful chemical-filled breathing air to our future generations, and they won’t get a chance to live for many years in that polluted environment!

Not only this, but if we don’t follow sustainable development, we end up facing extreme droughts, extreme rises in sea levels, soil erosions, deforestation, biodiversity loss, and health issues. 

Now that we know the importance of sustainable development, let us look at the practices to follow.

Practices to Follow For Sustainable Development

Even though sustainable development takes a much longer time, with the following practices, we can easily obtain it and give a clean environment to future generations. 

1. Use Renewable Energy Resources

Employing renewable energy sources, i.e., solar, wind, and hydropower, can lessen dependency on fossil fuels, which contributes to climate change. If the fossil fuels are completed, it will take years of time for them to produce again. Wind energy and solar energy are sustainable and widely available ways to produce energy.

2. Practicing Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is an excellent and long-term method of increasing the vegetative potential of agricultural land. It is chemical-free, consumes less water, and minimizes the likelihood of disease in the soil. This type of sustainable development is advantageous to both agricultural businesses and household growers. 

3. Opting For Green Buildings

The term “green building” explains a structure as well as the usage of methods that are resource- and environmentally-conscious throughout the whole life-cycle of a building, from planning to planning, building, operation, upkeep, renovation, and dismantling. Using sustainable materials to design and build energy-efficient buildings can reduce energy use, water usage, and waste. 

4. Sustainable Transportation Practices

Nowadays, most of us have our own automobiles. If these automobiles are eco-friendly, then there is no serious issue. However, If you use automobiles that consume fossil fuels, practice using eco-friendly transportation.

Promoting the use of public transit, walking, and cycling, as well as the usage of low-emission automobiles, can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.

5. Waste Management And Recycling

Implementing waste reduction and recycling programs can minimize the quantity of waste transported to landfills, conserve resources, and reduce pollution. You can also use eco-friendly recycling bins.

6. Practicing Conservation of Natural resources

Natural resources on Earth include air, soil, water, plants, minerals, and animals. Conservation is the practice of protecting these resources in order for all living creatures to reap the benefits from them today and in the future. Protecting natural resources, i.e., forests, oceans, and streams, can help to maintain biodiversity, reduce climate change, and provide critical ecosystem services.

7. Following Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism practices, such as responsible tourism and ecotourism, can help local communities, preserve cultural heritage, and mitigate the negative environmental repercussions of tourism. Sustainable tourism can include using eco-friendly travel products, waste management, not overusing natural resources, etc. 

These are basic practices one should follow to implement sustainability development. However, along with these, one should raise awareness of the need of sustainable development and also follow small eco-friendly practices like using eco-friendly clothing, jewelry, etc.

Also, when you celebrate any festivals, keep in mind about the environment too! For example, as Ganesh Chathurthi is coming up, buy or prepare eco-friendly Ganesha at home instead of purchasing synthetic-filled idols.


With drastic climate and environmental changes around us, it’s high time we should practice sustainable development methods. The change should start with oneself. Small positive actions, when taken by large crowds, can have a great impact. It will eventually reach a wider audience, and we can give a pure and natural environment to our future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are some benefits of sustainable development?

From sustainable development, you will mainly be able to give the best future for the next generations. The economic growth of the society would be increased. Water, soil, and air pollution will be reduced. Sustainable development will give better health and society.

Q2. How is sustainable development important to humanity?

Following sustainable development will make us conscious of our surroundings’ social and economic aspects and is necessary to meet basic human needs. This consciousness will make us develop our society for good for future generations. Thinking about the good of other people and wildlife will increase our humanity. 

Q3. What are some of the most common examples of sustainable development?

Using windmills, conserving natural resources, Using renewable energy resources, opting for green buildings, and following crop rotation methods are some of the examples of sustainable development.

Q4. How can students contribute to sustainable development?

Students can contribute by following the below points.
1. Don’t waste food.
2. Follow recycling guidelines and methods.
3. Don’t use non-recycling plastic items. If possible, try to avoid plastic usage.
4. Plant trees whenever and wherever possible. 

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Abhay Gupta

Abhay Gupta

Hello there! I'm Abhay Gupta, a digital marketer with expertise in SEO and content creation. Helping brands to rank higher in search engine results page

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