We celebrate WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY to 5 June but how many people think about the environment.
The planet earth is developing in many sectors such as technology, population education, and more, but the one crucial thing that all humans forget about is the environment.
In the present time, the environment is going towards its end & if you haven’t done anything, it will be destroyed soon. we will share helpful ways to save the environment
Ask Yourself! What did you do to save the environment?
Here are 8 ways to save the environment that if humans will follow. Then, they could stop destroying the environment soon and make it clean, safe, and secure for all living things.
Table of Contents
ToggleSave water
Water is the essential element we need to live a life. Because limited freshwater is present on earth to drink And As everyone knows, humans will make so many mistakes to save the water & waste it inappropriately that is one of the great ways to keep the environment safe
Now, if you think that saving the water will help the environment, I would tell you that all water we use in our daily life comes from the rivers, lakes, etc. and all these resources will fill only when the rain comes, which is directly dependent on climate change. So, saving water will also help to protect the environment.
The primary things we should keep in mind(which I personally do) to save water are:-
- Turn ON the tap: when you brush your teeth, only ON the tap when required.
- Use cooking water in plants instead to throw in the gutter
- You can store rainwater by creating underground water tanks.
- shower yourself by using less water
- Wash your dirty clothes by hand and avoid using washing machines which means less electricity bills.
Shop non-plastic products
At the moment, plastic pollution is one of the significant issues; per day, more than 80 lakhs of pieces of plastic are gone into the oceans. everyone is aware of the situation of the environment which is produced by plastic materials
Plastic has countless harmful effects on the environment, or to reduce these effects, we have to switch to different materials & Start to buy non-plastic products (stop using less plastic), or we could use eco-friendly products in the place of plastic products.
Choose sustainable lifestyle
Adopting a sustainable lifestyle is also one way to save the environment. If you hear this for the first time or don’t know about its importance. (then read this)
In a sustainable lifestyle, you will be concerned about the natural resources which you use. You only use those products that will help save several things, such as protecting trees, saving energy, water, etc.
The sustainable lifestyle, also called sustainable living, provides many benefits to the environment.
Planting more trees
All humans are aware of the concept between the trees/plants and humans that humans take oxygen & release carbon dioxide. On the other side, plants do the opposite.
As most of you know about the world population it increases very fast (7.9 billion in 2020) & one more thing is that people are cutting trees for their selfishness and make the planet earth more unhealthy to live. So to maintain the environment, we need to plant more and more trees.
Conserve energy
Conserve energy means stopping wasting unwanted energy (electricity) in a meaningless situation. It is a simple and easy way; you can save your home energy by turning lights OFF & electronic devices if there is no need to ON or to look out with similar little things at your home you could save energy.
We can also do certain things like:
- Use natural light in the daytime.
- Start using LED bulbs at the place of old bulbs, which consume high electricity.Â
- It would be best if you used solar gadgets.
Start using eco-friendly products
Eco-friendly terms are very trending in present time that is also a great way to protect the environment,
If you love the environment Stupid! (everyone loves the environment)
If you will stop using products that harm the environment or, in other words, start using eco-friendly products because eco-friendly products have so many benefits and it does not have a bad outcome on the environment.
Also Read : Importance Of Eco-Friendly Products | Why You Should Use Them
Follow 3R’s of waste management

The 3R’s of the waste management, also called 3R’s of environment, includes three steps, i.e., reduce, reuse, and recycle. It will help produce the least amount of waste and reuse or recycle that waste into useful things.
If you want to know the best ways to save the environment, please know about it (that is a special one) if you start applying this in your daily life. Then it will have a good impact on the environment.
Work as a volunteer for environmental organizations
If you’re a school student or in a college then that is a great opportunity for you to work in environmental organizations as a volunteer & help them in many works
- To Clean lakes, rivers, ponds, etc.
- To help wildlife
- Plant tree
- Clean lands, beaches
- Encourage people to make our planet clean
And by doing this work, you will educate yourself and encourage people to save & protect the environment—your promising future which will help you build your skills.
In some cases, You will also get certificates that you could add to your resume to get a job or show in eco-friendly school.
You get a chance to learn many things about the environment, how to save it, the importance of the environment, sustainable living, etc.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. As a student, what can I do to save the environment?
To Ways To Save The Environment your age doesn’t matter. As a student, you can do many things
1. You can plant trees
2. Avoid vehicles and prefer to go any near place by walk
3. You can clean your surrounding, lakes, ponds, gardens
4. You can be a part of any environmental organization as a volunteer and learn many things to save the environment
5. Use your books to recycle or reuse
6. Don’t waste unwanted electricity, water, food.
Q2. Why save fuel for a better environment?
Fuel is considered in natural resources & because it exhausts many harmful gases when it burns or is used in vehicles. It will affect the environment badly. That’s why we should avoid using the fuel (petrol, diesel, coal, etc.) or reduce it.
Q3. How do I contribute to the environment?
If you’re eager to make the environment clean then, you can start doing certain things
1. Follow 3R’s of the environment (reduce, reuse, and recycle)
2. Try to minimize waste
3. Donate all things that are waste for you
4. Be a responsible person for the environment
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