
20 Golden Ways to save money by going green

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The environment is crucial for every organism, but nowadays, its condition is getting worse. It seems that the world is losing everything while pollution seems to never come to an end.

To live a sustainable life & protection of the environment is a must. And trying to live eco-friendly seems a little bit daunting. Just give it a thought on what you can do to live a greener life? You can start to save money by going green and can do a little bit for your environment.

It is a wrong misconception that going green can cost you your fortune; various eco-friendly products exist which are entirely budget-friendly.

There are wonderful ways you need to start with them.

To go green contains various perks, and you can even go green on a budget just by living an elegant and simple life with the thought of the environment.

Both things go hand-in-hand, so it is recommended that more and more people foster these changes in their daily lives.

Let’s take a look at the long list to save money by going green. It would fascinate you and will compel you to make a change in your activities.

What does it mean by going green?

Converting to eco-friendly means becoming a part of green living. But, what does going green means? Going green is all about how people use, produce, and dispose of products.

It is a practice to stand with your environment and protect it from destruction. It helps you in making efforts to bring a change in the environment. 

This practice is all about lowering the carbon footprint in the surrounding environment and encouraging other people to follow you.

Going green is not only about the recycling process; it is about simple life. It includes minor adjustments to achieve great success. By going green, you grab knowledge about money-saving tips also.

Going green significantly lowers energy consumption with the help of renewable energy sources. Many people are coming up with green methods by discarding the uses of harmful things, especially plastics.

There is no doubt that if people achieve success in making the world eco-friendly, there will be many benefits.

How to go green on a budget

How to go green on a budget

Various people believe that living a green life means to live in rural life, by installing solar panels, harvesting rainwater, creating compost in your backyard,

It would be great if people started to live in this way. Apart from this, you can learn money-saving tipsHere is the list of some eco-friendly ways to save money that can make your life more sustainable. 

20 Ways to save money by going green

It is an actual fact that going green saves money, so why not live a stable and eco-friendly life? So, without further delay, let’s hop on some of the cheap ways to go green. 

Installation of sink water aeratorsSink water aerators, a cheap and easy installation procedure. Dramatically lowers the water flow from your sink; this activity saves your money along with water usage.

Installation of low flow showerheads

Low flow showerheads dramatically lower the amount of water coming from your shower and don’t even reduce water pressure. These low-flow showerheads come in very fancy designs.

Installation of brick in the toilet tank

Be sure to renovate your old toilet into a new one by installing brick or by using a plastic bottle stuffed with sand into the tank. Due to this activity, wastage of water on every single flush gets too low. So, make sure to install a low flush for your toilet.

Rack dry the clothes.

Nowadays, dryers don’t come with good ratings and include poor energy consumption. Rack drying of clothes is very beneficial as it can save lots of energy. Moreover, it also prevents water and air pollution. 

Wait for a full laundry.

Just wait for a whole load of laundry, as this helps save both energy and water during clothes washing and is considered a great money-saving tip.

Clothes washing in cold water

Make it a habit to wash your clothes with cold water, as it saves the excess of energy on water heating. With cold water also, the clothes become purely clean.

Replacement of light bulbs 

Replacement of light bulbs with LED lights is one of the cheap ways to go green as they can save you money in their lifespan. Make sure to buy them!

Thermostat installation

This spectacular device enables you to program your heat to be in the correct state before your homecoming, and the device goes off when you go to sleep. This allows you to save lots of money on electricity bills, saves energy, and lowers the risk of pollution. 

Replacement of weatherstripping

Don’t forget to replace the weatherstripping of your windows and doors. By doing so, you can stop heat from going out and cold air from coming in during winters. 

Insulation of water pipes and water heater

Water pipes and water heater insulation greatly help your water heater to do less work for water heating and immensely saves money by going green and saving electricity.

Cleaning of fridge coils

Do you have the habit of cleaning your fridge coils? If not cleaned properly, the dust can make the fridge run slowly. 

Use dishwasher when full

Wait till your dishwasher becomes complete, as by doing so, you can use energy and water properly for washing dishes.

Prepare your cleaning solution.

Most market-oriented cleaners are stuffed with harmful chemicals that will only pollute your home. So, come up with your cleaners or cleaning solutions that you make at home. A very great way to go green on a budget, and these homemade cleaning solutions work very well.

Use of washable rags

Make sure to use old rags instead of paper towels to clean up the dirt of the house. This activity not only saves money but also acts as a practical step in saving trees. By using this, no landfills will be filled.

Put every electronics on power strips.

Even when all electronic items like TVs, computers, and many more are off mode, they continuously draw electricity.

So, to avoid this, but all the electronic items on the power strip and completely shut them off during the night or whenever you leave home. By doing so, you can save electricity as well as money.

Food scraps compositing

One of the best eco-friendly ways to save money, compositing, is the method that can do in an apartment also. Compositing food scraps enables you to save money and reduces lots of waste from accumulating in landfills. 

Prepare organic garden

Going green by starting an organic garden is an excellent thought. But, if you are starting gardening, always start with easy gardening like tomato gardening or lettuce gardening, and slowly raise it to more.

Planting trees

Just spend some time and money planting trees and see their benefit. If tree planting is done correctly, then you will get shade, so you use less AC.

It also helps in emitting oxygen in the atmosphere and absorbs a significant amount of carbon-di-oxide for proper breathing. All people should do this step, then only it will become fruitful.

Rain barrel installation 

An eco-friendly way to save money is the installation of a rain barrel so that it can collect rainwater. The collected water can then be used for watering plants.

So, if you reside in a rainy area, installing lots of barrels and connecting them, the task becomes more accessible, as one rainstorm can fill several gallons in these rainy areas.

Installation of solar lights

Instead of lighting the pathway of your home with electricity, light it with solar lights. Solar lights charge during the whole day and give better light than electric bulbs the whole night. 


Sustainable methods of living thrive from home and the neighborhood. To save money by going green, it is suggested to adopt top things from the list that seems simple and easy to do – and ponder upon that activity as soon as possible.

After some months, when you become curious to teach new habits, do more activities, then after a few days, do more until you have implemented the 20 activities in your life.

These activities will not only provide you with immediate progress and tremendous savings but also overwhelm you. 

These 20 excellent and cheap ways to go green methods will save your money rather than cost it. Going green is the best way to start your year correctly and intelligently to lower your monthly budget.

Please encourage others also to adopt these activities in their daily lives to understand the importance of environmental protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How to go green on a budget? 

Going green on a budget is not a tough task, if you really want to save your environment you can go green on a budget very easily. Let’s look at some ways of going green on a budget:-

1. Make sure to buy from the farmer’s market and not organic.
2. Don’t forget to switch off the things.
3. Always remember to dump disposable things.
4. Prepare your own cleaning solutions devoid of chemicals.
5. Try not to buy new items, rather use used items. 

Q2. Is going green a trend?

In the past few years, many businesses have started to go green. According to some people going green has become a trend, as now the time has come to shift lifestyle to eco-friendly lifestyle due to global warming.

Q3. What is the cheapest way to go green?

One of the cheapest and easiest ways to go green is to turn every electronic appliance in off mode when not in use. Other ways could be eating less meat, using reusable shopping bags, planting trees, buying from the local market, and the list goes on.

Q4. What are the Advantages of going green?

One of the significant advantages of going green is to save money and lower costs. An additional advantage of going green at home is that it dramatically reduces electricity and water bills effectively.

Q5. List of the big companies who are going green? 

Nowadays, many big companies are searching for innovative ideas of eco-friendly environments and also of going green on a budget. Here are some of the great companies who are going green:-

1. McDonald’s.
2. Dell
3. Google.
4. Tesla Motors.
5. Honda.

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Abhay Gupta

Abhay Gupta

Hello there! I'm Abhay Gupta, a digital marketer with expertise in SEO and content creation. Helping brands to rank higher in search engine results page

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